Quantum Field theory, | Home | Program | Information | Registration | Participants | Travel | The region |
String Theory and | ![]() |
Condensed Matter Physics |
Name | Affiliation | |
1. | Albrecht Dylan | University of Crete |
2. | Amado Irene | Technion |
3. | Amoretti Andrea | University of Genoa |
4. | Antonio Garcia Garcia | Cambridge University |
5. | Aprile Francesco | University of Crete, CCTP |
6. | Bachas Constantin | Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris |
7. | Betzios Panagiotis | Utrecht University |
8. | Bhaseen Joe | King's College London |
9. | Blake Michael | DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK |
10. | Brattan Daniel | Technion |
11. | Bu Yanyan | Ben-Gurion University |
12. | Chapman Shira | Tel-Aviv University |
13. | Chatzaki Marili | UOC |
14. | Cremonini Sera | Cambridge and Texas A&M |
15. | Cuadros-Melgar Bertha | University of Sao Paulo |
16. | De Luca Andrea | Ecole Normale Superieure |
17. | Donos Aristomenis | DAMTP, University of Cambridge |
18. | Doucot Benoit | CNRS and Paris 6 University |
19. | Erdmenger Johanna | Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich |
20. | Fernandez Daniel | UoC |
21. | Fraile Alberto | CCQCN |
22. | Gauntlett Jerome | Imperial College |
23. | Goutéraux Blaise | Stanford University & APC, Paris & Nordita, Sweden |
24. | Green Andrew | London Centre for Nanotechnology/UCL |
25. | Gursoy Umut | Utrecht University |
26. | Hackenbroich Anna | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
27. | Hartnoll Sean | Stanford University |
28. | Horowitz Gary | UC Santa Barbara |
29. | Huang Mei | IHEP,CAS |
30. | Ishii Takaaki | University of Crete |
31. | JOLICOEUR Thierry | CNRS Orsay University |
32. | Jacobs Vivian | Utrecht University |
33. | Jansen Aron Peter | Utrecht University |
34. | Jarvinen Matti | University of Crete |
35. | Kaplis Nikolaos | Instituut-Lorentz, Leiden University |
36. | Kim Keun-Young | GIST |
37. | Kimura Kazuhiro | Osaka-Elecro-Communication University |
38. | Kiritsis Elias | UoC |
39. | Kleinert Philipp Thomas | University of Oxford |
40. | Klug Steffen | Instituut-Lorentz |
41. | Krikun Alexander | NORDITA, Sweden |
42. | Kundu Arnab | University of Barcelona |
43. | Lazarides Nick | University of Crete |
44. | Lee Sung-Sik | McMaster Univ / Perimeter Institute |
45. | Leigh Rob | University of Illinois |
46. | Li Weijia | University of Crete |
47. | Li Li | University of Crete |
48. | Lippert Matthew | University of Amsterdam |
49. | Liu Hong | MIT |
50. | Liu Yan | IFT, UAM-CSIC |
51. | Lucas Andrew | Harvard |
52. | Mackenzie Andrew | Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
53. | Mamandur Kidambi Abhiram | Ludwig Maximilians Universität München |
54. | Manuela Kulaxizi | Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) |
55. | Margaris Ioannis | ccqcn, Department of Physics, University of Crete |
56. | Matsuo Yoshinori | UoC |
57. | Mazzanti Liuba | Utrecht University |
58. | Meyer Rene | Kavli IPMU |
59. | Mukhopadhyay Ayan | CPHT Ecole Polytechnique and IPhT CEA-Saclay, France |
60. | Navez Patrick | University of Crete |
61. | Niarchos Vasilis | University of Crete |
62. | Niels Obers | Niels Bohr Institute |
63. | Nitti Francesco | APC, Université Paris 7 |
64. | O'Bannon Andrew | Univ. of Oxford |
65. | Oz Yaron | Tel Aviv University |
66. | Papadimitriou Ioannis | Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC |
67. | Papadoulaki Olga | Utrecht University |
68. | Papantonopoulos Eleftherios | NTUA |
69. | Parnachev Andrei | Leiden University |
70. | Pena-Benitez Francisco | Crete U. |
71. | Petkou Anastasios | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
72. | Policastro Giuseppe | Ecole Normale Superieure |
73. | Probst Jonas | University of Oxford |
74. | Psiachos Demetra | UofCrete |
75. | Radicevic Djordje | Stanford University |
76. | Ren Jie | University of Crete |
77. | Romero-Bermuez Aurelio | University of Cambridge |
78. | Rosen Christopher | University of Crete, CCTP |
79. | Ryu Shinsei | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
80. | Schalm Koenraad | Leiden University |
81. | Semenoff Gordon | University of British Columiba |
82. | Skenderis Kostas | University of Southampton |
83. | Stoof Henk | Utrecht Universtity |
84. | Straub Ann-Kathrin | Max-Planck-Institute for Physics |
85. | Sun Ya-Wen | IFT, UAM-CSIC |
86. | Taliotis Anastasios | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
87. | Tallarita Gianni | Centro Estudios Cientificos |
88. | Tanahashi Norihiro | University of Cambridge |
89. | Tarrio Javier | U. Barcelona |
90. | Tong David | Cambridge |
91. | Trivedi Sandip | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research |
92. | Way Benson | DAMTP |
93. | Zaanen Jan | Leiden University |
94. | Zoakos Dimitrios | University of Porto |
95. | khveshchenko dmitri | unc-chapel hill |
96. | le doussal pierre | LPTENS Ecole Normale Superieure Paris |
97. | phillips Philip | University of Illinois |
98. | van der Marel Dirk | University of Geneva |
99. | van der Schee Wilke | Utrecht University |