Past Meetings and Conferences

Workshops and Conferences

  • CCTP member Prof. S. Kamvissis has teach an advanced graduate course on "the Riemann-Hilbert merhods in asymptotic analysis problems".

    Prof. Kamvissis has tought this course previously in Austria, Japan and much earlier in Crete.

    A link to the program from previous incarnations is here.

    The time of the lectures is Monday and Friday at 11.15-13:00 in room Γ323 at FORTH Institute.
  • Prof. G. Fournodaylos has organized the conference "Cretan Waves" 9-13 October 2023 at the Math Departement of teh University of Crete.

    During this meeting, Prof. D. Christodoulou was inaugurated as a Distinguished professor of the Physics Department.
  • The Center has organized a minicourse on "Conformal anomalies, C-theorems and RG Flows".


    -Generalities:Analyticity,Locality,Weyl transformations-Conformal Group
    -Classification and Structure of Weyl Anomalies.The Osborn(local Callan-Symanzik Equation) Equation.
    -The Zamolodchikov Theorem in d=2.
    -Weyl Anomaly Matching and the a-theorem. Alternative arguments for a-theorem.
    -Weyl Anomalies in Holography, Anomalies and the Geometry of Moduli Space
    -More on the Structure of the Osborn Equation.

    Lecturer: Adam Schwimmer from Weizmann Institute of Science.

    Tuesday 9 April 2019: 14:15-16:00 ( 2nd floor Seminar room)

    Wednesday 10 April 2019: 14:15-16:00 (1rst floor seminar room)

    Thursday 11 April 2019: 13:15-15:00 ( 1rst floor seminar room)

  • CCTP and QCN member Prof X. Zotos has organized the conference on Quantum Magnets . It took place in Kolymbari, 13 - 19 September 2015.
  • Quantum Gravity and Random Geometry has taken place on September 7th-15th, 2002 in the Orthodox Academy of Crete.
    The web page can be found here

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Advanced International Schools

  • The Center has co-organized together with the Athens Polytechnic group the 6th Aegean Summer School that focused on Quantum Corrections in Cosmology. It has taken place from 12-17 September 2011 in the island of Naxos.

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