Welcome to the Crete Center for Theoretical Physics

The Crete Center for Theoretical Physics is conceived to enhance research and education in theoretical physics through postdoctoral fellowships and programs that identify and explore forefront issues in theoretical physics.

It has as a goal to address current mysteries and problems in the physical universe. In particular, issues related to the nature of the fundamental interactions, the content of the universe at large, as well as the knowledge and understanding of the various forms of matter are at the forefront of the research efforts by the physicists of the center.

Currently we are in an era where important experimental and observational data are suggesting that our view and knowledge of the universe is very incomplete. Confirmation of the problems of dark matter and dark energy suggest that more than 95% of the energy of the universe contains new forms of matter and energy. And although physicists have some well motivated guesses for dark matter, they are more or less at a loss with dark energy.

The goal of the research in the Center is to address questions that pertain to understanding the universe and its functioning components. It is more obvious than ever that different basic physics questions pertaining to different areas of research are interrelated. The issues and problems in Cosmology are closely connected to those of high energy physics. The problems of theories of quantum gravity are interrelated with those of extreme astrophysics and cosmology. And string theories of quantum gravity may be interrelated with several phenomena of dense/extreme matter.

The Center has researchers with expertise in all these different directions and places particular importance in the strong interaction between different approaches.

The Center is composed of select faculty members working mostly in high energy physics and cosmology, postdoctoral fellows that are selected yearly by an international search for the most talented individuals, and visiting and adjunct fellows. The Center also hosts workshops, conferences, seminars, public lectures and other activities.

It is supervised and advised by a three-member advisory committee, consisting of C. Callan (Princeton), J. Iliopoulos (ENS) and G. Veneziano (CERN and College de France).

It is supported in its starting steps by an FP7 Capacities Grant. A recent video made by "Aristeia Academy" is giving a description of the center and its goals and can be found here

The Center is located at the Physics department at the University of Crete, in the Voutes area of Heraklion.

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