Conference Talks
Search for Electromagnetic Regeneration at KTeV/FNAL Abstract: In this talk the Electromagnetic Regeneration effect will be discribed. The KTeV detector data were analyzed for the existence of this effect. In particular, the CP violating neutral and charged mode kaon decays will be presented.
Neutrino masses and grand unification Abstract: We briefly review models of neutrino masses and mixing. In particular we describe a class of models where all fermion masses, including neutrino masses, are explained in SUSY GUT's with a U(1) flavour symmetry. We also discuss some recent developments on SUSY SU(5) unification: can SUSY SU(5) be realistic in view of conceptual (doublet-triplet splitting problem) or phenomenological (limits on proton decay) problems? We also consider an alternative realisation of grand unification: SUSY SU(5) and extra dimensions where both kinds of problems are solved.
On the quantum geometry of matrix string theoryAbstract: Matrix models can be used as non perturbative definitions of string theories. The IKKT matrix model is believed to be related to type IIB superstings. Monte carlo simulations of the 4d reduction of the IKKT model are performed and results on the quantum geometry of spacetime generated dynamically by the model are discussed.
On the generation of electroweak vacua in a GR contextAbstract: The general relativistic notion of "electrovacua" (solutions to the couled Einstein-Maxwell equations) generalised to a non-abelian Yang-Mills case, reveals the possibility to usefully employ torsion and non-vanishing metricity as the geometrical carriers of the electroweak interaction, just like curvature is for gravitation.
Gamma Ray Bursts, a problem being solvedAbstract: Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) have constituted a fascinating astrophysical conundrum since their discovery in the 60's. I shall briefly review their phenomenology and the history of how the mystery is unravelling at an ever-increasing pace. I shall discuss a very recent 'cannonball' model of GRBs - developed in collaboration with Arnon Dar - that, we contend, fares very well in describing the observational properties of GRBs and implies interesting testable predictions.
The Principles of Quality Control for the Monitored Drift Tubes (MDTs) of ATLAS Abstract: TBA
Contributions of Intermediate BosonsAbstract: Considering the masses of intermediate bosons as dynamical variables, we obtain that their propagator has a transverse form. This approach could lead to an alternative theory of weak interactions.
Silicon Detectors Surviving at High Radiation EnvironmentsAbstract: A review of the problems and solutions in the operation of Silicon detectors at high radiation environments like those of LHC experiments. Details of the work by international collaborations and especially the ROSE and ENDEASD groups.
BIS MDT Assembly at University of AthensAbstract: In this talk, the status, recent upgrades and future of the University of Athens MDT Assembly line for BIS Chambers of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer will be presented.
Stability of rotating branes in the matrix model and the supermembrane theory Abstract: Spherical matrix membranes are found to be stable under any multipole deformation if rotational motion is permitted. Anisotropic membranes on the other hand are found unstable under deformations with spin greater than 1. These findings are important for the quantization of the supermembrane theory in flat space times.
Jet Production in deep inelastic scattering at HERAAbstract: TBA
How you get a Nobel PrizeAbstract: TBA
Towards the measurement of the lepton mixing matrix neutrino masses and oscillationsAbstract: After a brief review of the formalism, i will review the indications of neutrino masses from atmospheric, solar and accelerator neutrinos. I will then review the short term program with long baseline experiments reactors and next generation solar experiments and the long term program on neutrino factories Complementary direct mass measuremens will be also mentionned.
D-brane realization of the standard modelAbstract: Assuming the standard model can be described in type-I string theory by a local collection of D-branes we analyse possible predictions for physics beyond the present energies. We find that without supersymmetry the string scale is 6-8 TeV.
Physics studies with the ATLAS detectorAbstract: The expected performance of the ATLAS detector at LHC will be given for few selected examples involiving muons in the final state.
Heterotic M-theory and the stabilisation of its orbifold modulusAbstract: TBA
ANTARES, an underwater neutrino detectorAbstract: The ANTARES collaboration is building a neutrino telescope at a depth of 2400m in the Mediterranean Sea. Several autonomous test modules have already been immersed since 1996. A demonstrator string with electro-optical transmission of analogue signals to the shore has also been immersed and has recorded site measurements and cosmic muons, results will be shown. The next generation strings of a 0.1 km2 detector to be deployed in the sea in 2003-2004 are under construction and will be described. This detector will search for sources of high energy neutrinos: the galactic centre, active galactic nuclei, gamma ray bursts, relic neutralinos captured in the earth, sun and the galactic centre and will measure atmospheric neutrino oscillations. Its expected performances will be discussed.
The CMS Preshower DetectorAbstract: The preshower is part of the end cap electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at CERN. The current status of the detector development will be presented, with emphasis on the contribution of DEMOKRITOS. This includes, silicon sensors development, VLSI electronics design and assebly tools, toward the construction of a substantial part of sensor modules in Greece. Simulation work for search of the SM Higgs boson, with the help of the preshower detector, will be presented in a complementary talk in this meeting.
Higgs search with the CMS ECAL- preshower systemAbstract: Simulation results for Standard Model intermediate Higgs boson, decaying into two photons, using the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS detector are presented. The Higgs mass resolution for both low and high LHC luminosity was found to be around of 700 MeV.
Detector Control System for the Muon detector of the ATLAS experimentAbstract: In this talk the Detector Control System for the Muon detector of the ATLAS experiment at CERN will be discribed. Furthermore, the recent set-up and work that is being performed at NTUA will be presented.
Graceful Exit from Inflation in a Type 0 String Theory Abstract: We study a four dimensional cosmological model based on a type 0 string theory. Solving numerically the equations of motion we show that in order to have "graceful exit" from inflation the underlining string theory should be non-critical.
Theoretical Calculations for CP Violation in K MesonsAbstract: The parameter epsilon prime/epsilon is calculated in the standard model. It is shown that the predictions have stability properties and can accomodate the observed results. Implications for future experiments will be presented.
Consruction of High Precision Muon Chambers at the University of ThessalonikiAbstract: The University of Thessaloniki has embarked in an ambitious project of construction of high precision muon chambers for the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The high standartds laboratory (clean room) created for this purpose is presented. The method of achieving precisions of few microns in construction of relattively large size (200x100x30 cmm3) detectors is described. The laboratory has already achieved the goal of constructing prototypes which surpassed the required precision -as the measurements in the X-ray tomograph at CERN have shown. The group has succesfully reached the production rate required to complete comstruction by May 2004. A total of 17 chambers have been constructed. An overview of the activity is presented
"Bouncing Branes" (hep-th/0103151)Abstract: Two classical scalar fields are minimally coupled to gravity in the Kachru-Shulz-Silverstein scenario with a rolling fifth radius. A Tolman wormhole solution is found for a R x S^3 brane with Lorentz metric and for a R x AdS_3 brane with positive definite metric.
Electromagnetic scattering on D3-brane spikesAbstract: We consider scattering of electromagnetic plane waves on a D3-brane spike which emanates normal to D3-barne in the extra space direction. We are interested in studying physical effects on D3-brane which are produced by a spike attached to D3-brane. We have observed that the spike sucks almost all electromagnetic radiation and therefore acts like a black hole. This is because absorption cross section for j=1 tends to a constant at low energy limit. This behaviour is appealing for a string interpretation of the spike soliton because the propagation of $j=1$ mode is indeed distinctive. Instead, the scattered part of the radiation on a D3-brane tends to zero demonstrating non-Thompson behaviour.
Precise Measurement of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic MomentAbstract: The results of the 1999 data analysis of the muon g-2 experiment and the future prospects will be presented. The experimental value differs from the standard model prediction by 2.6 times the combined experimental and theoretical errors.
Neutrino mass and supersymmetric unificationAbstract: TBA
Noncommutative brane vacuaAbstract: Dynamics of a noncommutative U-field describing the vacua of a complex noncommutative tachyon is analysed.
Supersymmetric Dark Matter and the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the muonAbstract: We will explore the regions of the parameter space of the Constrained MSSM, which are compatible not only with the recent data of the anomalous magnetic moment of muon, but also with the cosmological data.
(High Pt) Physics at the LHCAbstract: A review of the ability of the LHC experiments to probe the Symmetry Breaking mechanism of the Standard Model is made. The physics reach in extensions to the Standard Model, most notably Supersymmetry, extra large dimensions and other new physics is also presented.
localized gravityAbstract:
Brane Stabilization and the cosmological constantAbstract:
Back-reaction to pair production in QED Abstract: TBA
Beyond the Standard Model with KatoptronsAbstract: Katoptron fermions have been shown to provide an interesting mechanism for the dynamical breaking of the electroweak symmetry and fermion mass generation. The talk will focus on the embedding of the model in a ten-dimensional E_8 * E_8 theory, on the natural generation of the weak scale/Planck scale hierarchy, and on the self-consistency of the theory.
An old-fashioned mechanism for the origin of massAbstract:
Recent Physics Results from HERAAbstract: Recent physics results from HERA will be presented.
NESTOR a deep sea neutrino telescopeAbstract: A status report of the NESTOR experiment
Heavy Flavour Physics at HERAAbstract: Recent results from e-p collisions at HERA will be reviewed. Emphasis will be put on heavy flavour production at HERA.
Recent Results and Prospects of Neutrino Physics at FermilabAbstract: Highlights from neutrino physics research at Fermilab will be given: The observation of tau-neutrino interactions in the DONUT experiment at Fermilab shall be presented. Then, the search for neutrino mass with accelerator neutrinos shall be discussed, and, in this respect, a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment (MINOS), currently under construction at Fermilab and the Soudan mine in Minnesota, shall be presented.
Physics issues of the Next e+e- Linear ColliderAbstract: The benefits of a high luminosity e+e- collider, where highly polarised beams interact at a center-of-mass energy starting around 500 GeV, is considered with acute interest by the high energy physics community, as it may bring crucial pieces of clarification in our understanding of particle physics in the coming decade. A Technical Design Report has recently come out, exposing the physics potential of such a collider and showing that the technology is mature enough to allow its construction in a very near future. An overview of the physics issues addressed by the collider will be presented, showing its complementarity to the LHC. Special attention will be devoted to the possibility of investigating the electroweak symmetry breaking and of chasing the energy scale and nature of the physics beyond the Standard Model with uncomparable sensitivity.
Data Aquisition and Analysis systems at INP/NCSR Demokritos for CMS and ROSE Abstract: An overview of data acquisition and analysis systems developed in INP?NCSR DEMOKRITOS for the CMS and ROSE collaboration will be presented. Specifically, the construction of Readout Input/Output cards for the CMS TriDas system, the development of a PC batch cluster machine and of a data acquisition system for radiation hardness of sensors and materials, will be reviewed.
Search for axions at CERNAbstract: The preparation status of the CAST experiment at CERN and related additional considerations will be presented.
Talks by Students
Development of the MINOS DetectorAbstract: MINOS is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment designed to address the atmospheric neutrino problem. In order to achieve this goal we plan to use two magnetized iron calorimeters with solid scintillator as active material. The principal 5.4 kt detector is under construction at the Sudan mine in Minnesota, some 730 km away from an intense, low energy (2-3 GeV) neutrino source at Fermilab, while a smaller 1 kt detector is located 1 km away from the source and used as a reference for the far detector. We will present the MINOS experiment with emphasis on the neutrino detector. In particular we will discuss the scintillation detector which is based on position multipixel photomultipliers from Hamamatsu. Fully automated PMT Test Stands at Athens, Austin and Oxford will be used to test about 2100 multi anode Hamamatsu M16 and M64 PMTs that are going to be installed at the MINOS near and far detectors. First data obtained after the recent commissioning of these systems will be presented along with results from the analysis of the data coming from the first year of operation of the MINOS Far Detector 4 Plane Prototype, the first full integration of all detector subsystems.
A high precision X-ray Tomograph for the quality control of the ATLAS Muon Monitored Drift Tube Chambers-Calibration-Results of the measured chambers Abstract: The ATLAS detector for the LHC at CERN is now starting its construction. An essential part of its Muon Spectrometer is based on Monitored Drift Tube (MDT) technology. It consists of 1200 large muon drift chambers which will be built at 13 institutes spread all over the world. The MDT chambers require an exceptional mechanical construction accuracy of better than 20 microns. The construction quality of the chambers is controlled using X-ray Tomography. A dedicated X-ray tomograph has been developed at CERN which precision has been proven to be of 2 microns statistical and 2 microns systematic error. The results of the chambers which have been measured recently will be discussed with emphasis to the greek ones. The results of the last calibration will also be mentioned.
Search for single leptoquark production in e+e- collisisons at LEPIIAbstract:
Irradiation Techniques for HEP sensors and devices at DemokritosAbstract: We describe how neutrons from the Demokritos reactor and protons in the Tandem accelerator are used to irradiate devices and study their resistence to high radiation.
The Top quark mass from the total transverse energyAbstract: A method of determining the top quark mass from the total transverse energy variable H in W+ 4-or-more-jets events is described. Results from the CDF RUN I data are shown. The prospects in applying this method in the forthcoming CDF RUN II data at the Tevatron and in ATLAS at the LHC are illustracted.
Cosmological Evolution of a Brane Universe in a type 0 Sring BackgroundAbstract: We consider a three dimensional brane-universe moving in a type 0 string background. The motion induces on the brane an effective energy density which we calculate. Then we study the induced cosmological evolution on the brane. For constant values of tachyon and dilaton we find an inflationary phase. For non-constant values a new slowly varying inflationary phase is emerging. Finally we discuss a way to exit the inflationary phase.
Q-balls and applicationsAbstract: Q-balls are non-topological solitons arising in Lagrangians of a complex scalar field with a global symmetry (usually U(1) or SU(3) or SO(3) if the fields transform according to the adjoint rep. of the group. We study the existence and stability of the soliton in the thin-wall approximation.
Neutrino analysis techniques for the DONUT experimentAbstract: The DONUT experiment was designed to directly observe the tau neutrino charged current interactions is nucleon deep inelastic scattering by using a hybrid emulsion spectrometer in a proton beam dump at Fermilab. We will present some aspects and results of the neutrino data analysis. In particular we will present (preliminary) results from the implementation of ANN techniques for neutrino event selection and classification and also implementation and results of Graph Theory (Minimal Spanning Trees) in scintillating fiber system clustering (EM shower recognition and reconstruction)
QA_QC procedure for the ATLAS BIS-Muon chambers at the NTU setupAbstract: Extensive quality assurance tests of the ATLAS BIS-MDT monitored drift tubes are required, the methods of which have been developed, during this project, in our HEP-lab at NTU. These tests are described below: 1. Accurate wire position test measurement with respect to the outer tube diameter, by using an electromagnetic inductance method (EMMI). 2. Wire tension (T) measurement by implementing a method, where an oscillation frequency (f) of the ground mode wire vibration is measured and using the standard expression relating these two quantities t the wire density (rho), the wire length (L) and the wire diameter (D): T=(pi)(rho)D2L2f2 . 3. The leak rate verification by pressurizing the drift tube with Ar:CO2 - 93:7 and connecting the end-plug region to the helium leak detector. 4. The high voltage (HV) dark current measurement of the tube under a tension of about 3730 V, when the tube is filled by a gas mixture of Ar:CO2 - 93:7 at a pressure of 3 bars. 5. Cosmic rays or radioactive source data acquisition and signal processing of the tube, when it is performing under the nominal gas pressure and HV.
Data Aquisition for the MDT Assebly in University of AthensAbstract: During the talk, the stucture and performance of the Data Aquisition Software for the Monitored Drift Tubes (ATLAS Experiment-CERN) assebly will be discussed. The Data Base Stucture for these tubes and how this will be handled through Web will also be mentioned.
Bogoliubov Coefficients of 2D Charged Black HolesAbstract: We exactly calculate the thermal distribution and temperature of Hawking radiation for a two-dimensional charged dilatonic black hole after it has settled down to an "equilibrium" state. The calculation is carried out using the Bogoliubov coefficients. The background of the process is furnished by a preexisting black hole and not by collapsing matter as considered by Giddings and Nelson for the case of a Schwarzschild black hole. Furthermore, the vanishing of the temperature and/or the Hawking radiation in the extremal case is obtained as a regular limit of the general case.
BIS cosmic test-bed at the University of ThessalonikiAbstract: The BIS chambers constructed at the University of Thessaloniki are going to be tested, fully equipped with electronics and gas distribution system,for performance before delivery at CERN.The front end electronics of the chambers as well as the MiniDaq software (on-line, data acquisition)are presented. The trigger system is currently being developed.Results from the preliminary chamber,trigger and readout set-up are shown.

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Updated: Mon Apr 9 09:00:00 EEST 2001