Supersymmetric theory with domain walls


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Table of Contents

Supersymmetric theory with domain walls

Supersymmetry with domain walls

One-brane scenarios

Two-brane scenario

First attempts and steps for supersymmetrization

Aspects of our action

Further plan

1. The action for bulk and brane

Cosmological constant and gauge coupling


Essential part of D=5 action

Coupling constant ? coupling field

? and susy

Adding the brane action

supersymmetry on the brane

2. The background: BPS solutions

BPS condition

Killing spinors

Fixed scalars

Brane can be pushed to ?

Example: double-extreme STU wall

Supersymmetric domain walls with non-constant scalars

distance between branes

Example: Calabi-Yau wall

3. Conclusion and extension to 8-branes

8-branes in D=10

Further steps

Author: Antoine Van Proeyen


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