Conference Talks
A Noncommutative Superalgebra in 2 DimensionsAbstract: To be prepared.
TBA (probably related to AdS/CFT correspondence)Abstract:
One-loop correction in Boundary String Field Theory Abstract: We compute one-loop correction to the string field theory action of the tachyon by making use of the partition function of the two dimensional worldsheet theory on the annulus. Although in this level, the general shape of the tachyon potential does not change, the tachyon zero mode dependence is quite complicated. In particular, the genus expansion is not governed by the effective string coupling which is defined in terms of the tachyon by \lambda=g_s exp(-T^2/4). We shall considre the action both for unstable and brane-antibrane cases and those with a nonzero B-field as well.
The quantum geometry of string theoryAbstract: TBA
Periodic SolitonsAbstract:
Holograms of Unruh RadiationAbstract: A uniformly acclerated observer in anti-deSitter space-time is known to detect thermal radiation when the acceleration exceeds a critical value. We investigate the holographic interpretation of this phenomenon. For uniformly accelerated trajectories {\it transverse} to the boundary of the $AdS$ space, the hologram is a blob which expands {\it along} the boundary. Observers on the boundary co-moving with the hologram become observers in cosmological space-times. For supercritical accelerations one gets a Milne universe when the holographic screen is the boundary in Poincar\'e coordinates, while for the boundary in hyperspherical coordinates one gets deSitter spacetimes. The presence or absence of thermality is then interpreted in terms of specific classes of observers in these cosmologies.
Large Extra DimensionsAbstract: TBA
D branes on background of NS Branes.Abstract: The dynamics of D branes in the near horizon geometry of NS branes is studied using world sheet boundary state method.
Electrodynamics On Matrix Space Non-Abelian By CoordinatesAbstract: We consider the dynamics of a charged particle in a space whose coordinates are $N\times N$ hermitian matrices. Putting things in the framework of D0-branes, we find that the transformations of the matrix coordinates induce non-Abelian transformations on the gauge potentials. The Lorentz equations of motion for matrix coordinates are derived, and it is observed that the field strengths also transform like their non-Abelian counterparts. The issue of the map between theory on matrix space and ordinary non-Abelian gauge theory is discussed. The phenomenological aspects of ``finite-N non-commutativity" for the bound states of D0-branes appear to be very attractive.
Stability analysis of rotating membranes in Supermembrane Theory.Abstract: The fate of spherical topology rotating membranes is studied in the context of 11-dim Supermembrane theory .The perfect spheres are classically and quantum mechanically stable,while ellipsoidal membranes are classically unstable and they decay in finger(polymer) like configurations.The implications of these findings is discussed.
To Be Announced Abstract: To Be Announced
Open-Closed String Dualities and M-TheoryAbstract:
Instantons on D-branes in a background B-fieldAbstract: We consider Euclidean D4 and D6-branes filling the whole R^4 and R^6 space, respectively. In a background B-field, we construct an action which could be easily supersymmetrized. The BPS configurations of these theories are then examined. For D4-branes, these are the BPS states derived by Seiberg and Witten. We discuss the generalization to the 6 dimensions.
T-Duality and Noncommutative DBI actionAbstract:
5-Brane Solutions Free of Strong Coupling SingularitiesAbstract: 5-Brane Solutions Free of Strong Coupling Singularities
An Alternative to Inflation?Abstract: TBA
Matrix model, noncommutative geometry and brane-antibrane systemsAbstract: We use BFSS matrix model to study the D2/anti-D2 brane system, the relevant noncommutative gauge theory and tachyon condensation. We find the exact tachyon potential by solving gauge fixing conditions exactly for static configurations. We exhibit a path connecting the brane-antibrane configuration to the vacuum and verify the noncommutative version of Sen conjecture. We show closed string excitations around the vacuum.
The 0 Brane as a SolitonAbstract: We construct the D0 brane as a soliton on the worldvolume of a D2-brane in a large magnetic field, and study its properties.
Gauge-Invariant Couplings of Noncommutative Abstract: The couplings of noncommutative D-branes to spatially varying Ramond-Ramond fields are derived and expressed in terms of *n products of operators involving open Wilson lines. Equivalence of the noncommutative to the commutative couplings implies interesting identities as well as an expression for the Seiberg-Witten map that was previously conjectured. We generalise our couplings to include transverse scalars and unstable non-BPS branes.
On The Nature Of the Hagedorn transition in NCOS systemsAbstract:
Global and Gauge Anomalies in Noncommutative Gauge TheoriesAbstract: Anomalies in relation to nonplanar triangle diagrams of noncommutative gauge theory are studied. Local chiral gauge anomaly for noncommutative U(1) and U(N) gauge theories with adjoint matter fields is determined perturbatively and shown to vanish for both planar and nonplanar diagrams. For U(1) gauge theory with fundamental matter field coupling, three different noncommutative currents are found, which give the same global symmetry and lead to the same classically conserved charge. Only one of these currents yields a nonplanar contribution and leads to a finite global anomaly for light-like noncommutativity parameter \theta_{\mu\nu}, of a novel form.
Electromagnetic scattering on D3-brane spikesAbstract: We consider scattering of electromagnetic plane waves on a D3-brane spike which emanates normal to D3-barne in the extra space direction. We are interested in studying physical effects on D3-brane which are produced by a spike attached to D3-brane. We have observed that the spike sucks almost all electromagnetic radiation and therefore acts like a charged black hole. This is because absorption cross section for j=1 tends to a constant at low energy limit. Instead, the scattered part of the radiation on a D3-brane tends to zero demonstrating non-Thompson behaviour.
Some Reflections on the State of String Theory Abstract: T B A
BPS domain walls from SW theory, MQCD and holographyAbstract: .BPS domain walls from SW theory, MQCD and holography
Reduced D=10 Super Yang-Mills d=4 Wilson Loops and d=1 IndicesAbstract: Ten-dimensional susy Yang-Mills theories remain supersymmetric upon dimensional reduction to d dimensions. In the first part of the talk we will discuss d=4 and present a full perturbative two-loop calculation of two Wilson lines, commenting on making contact with the dual AdS/CFT computation. In the second part we discuss d=1 and d=0 and review the puzzling status of Witten index computations for susy matrix quantum mechanics.
Exceptional Sheaves, Helices and D-branes on CY manifoldsAbstract:
Talks by Students
Topology of branes and matricesAbstract: We study embeddings of membranes into space-time where the world-surface and target space topologies of the membranes are distinct. For continuous membranes singular embedding maps can increase or decrease the genus of the world-surface membrane, corresponding to adding/removing infinitesimal handles to/from the membrane. For matrix membranes, such as those appearing in Matrix theory or through Myers' dielectric effect, off-block-diagonal matrix elements play the role of the infinitesimal handles of smooth membrane theory. We show that handle removal can be understood easily at the classical level both in the continuous and matrix regularized membrane theories, but that condensation of tachyonic modes must be taken into account to describe handle addition. We discuss applications, including the explicit construction of arbitrary genus matrix membranes and topology-changing processes for dielectric branes.
Topological charge for Non-commutative instantonsAbstract:

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Updated: Thu Jun 21 15:15:00 EEST 2001